Thursday, July 15, 2010

Women Are Weird Creatures!

 There’s nothing great about men giving tips on how to pick up women. Zillions of books have been written so far on this topic. Well, I too am doing the same…but with a difference. For a change here’s this book written by me, a woman, for all you men on a topic no woman would ever want to enlighten men on! I will tell you what our vulnerabilities are and how you could cajole or sweet-talk us into a relationship totally based on your own terms

Manipulating you men has been great fun and I for one wouldn’t want to forego the pleasure of doing so. At the same time I feel it’s time you guys got a chance to outmaneuver us only to sweep us off our feet! You have had enough of our domineering roles in relationships. I would ensure that this book transforms you from a desperate and frustrated woman-chaser into a charismatic love guru women would want to surrender to. I am sure my female friends would strangle me for doing this but I am ready to face their onslaught as long as I get appreciated by you guys for this philanthropic initiative